DIY Teddy Bear Halloween Treat Boxes

I love Halloween as much as anybody else, but I always like the “cute” side of it (pumpkins, fun costumes, cartoony ghosts) aspects of it rather than the scary/gory/haunted house element.

And, of course, the candy. If you’re looking for a cute-not-scary way to pack up your candy, these teddy bear box templates are perfect for you.

Just print out on cardstock, fill, and fold, and — Ta-da! You’ve got adorable little treat packages for party favors and trick-or-treaters.

Print all four pages out on card stock paper.

Treat Box Instructions

Using a scoring tool and a ruler, create a crease along all dotted lines. Press down hard and score each line 2 – 3 times.

Cut out the card. Make sure to cut out the small thumb arches, too.

Fold the box in half, along the dotted crease in the middle.

Fold the tab on the right side of the card and glue in place. Allow to dry.

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